Featured Member : Melanie Troutman-Williams
From an early age Melanie has been surrounded by art. Learning early on from her Grandfather and throughout school in various art classes. Melanie continued her art studies in the summer by attending the summer program for high school at the Sawtooth Center. Melanie graduated from East Carolina University with a Bachelors in Fine Art with a concentration in Painting.
Some of Melanie's biggest Art infuences have been her Grandfather-Frans VonBergen, her Professor Paul Hartley, John Singer Sargent and Waterhouse.
Melanie paints with oils and acrylics on canvas or linen and her current focus is animal and human portraiture.
You can find Melanie's work at her studio page here, at selected shows through DADA, Associated Artists and Red Dog or by Appointment at her Studio in Sixteen over Six and she is always open to commissions.

May Exhibitions and Openings
May 3, 2019 : DADA 1st Friday Gallery Hop
Images courtesy of Allison Hutchins Art and Photography

DADA 1st Friday Gallery Hop

Hop goers relax on the patio to live music during the DADA 1st Friday Gallery Hop

Artist Meet and Mingle at Visual Index

DADA 1st Friday Gallery Hop