Call for Art
Who and What - DADA Gallery at the Benton
When - Second Quarter of 2022. Show hangs through the months of April thru June 2022
Specifics - The DADA Gallery at the Benton is a juried exhibition. DADA Individual Members who are current on membership dues (or want to renew their memberships in time for show) may submit TWO pieces. DADA Member Galleries or Studios may submit TWO pieces on behalf of an artist. Artists belonging to DADA member Galleries or Studios may not enter submissions without becoming an Individual DADA Member first.
Theme - There is no theme however we do ask works be PG-13 in nature since exhibition is inside of the Benton Convention Center. The Benton will not select any art with " Slogans " or sayings, or any images that include logos or copywritten material.
Size limitations - 30 inches at largest point.
Submissions - Please submit by sending quality jpgs. Each file is not to exceed 5MB. Two works may be submitted
Deadline - March 13, 2022. Notifications of acceptance by March 17, 2022
Delivery of Artwork -March 18-20 , 2022 between 1 and 4 PM to North Trade Street Arts Center - 604-A N. Trade Street - W-S, NC
Commissions - The DADA Gallery is a Members Only gallery. A 25% commission of any works sold during exhibitions goes to DADA. Artists payouts for any works sold will be available for pickup the second Friday of the following month.
Pick Up of Work - Notifications will be sent when your work is ready to be picked up
PR - The DADA Gallery at the Benton will be be advertised through press releases to area and regional publications. We will also send a special event e-mailer to the DADA mailing list. We will also post to our facebook event, twitter and instagram accounts.
Thanks and hope you all find something wonderful among your inventory that works for this show - or that you create something wonderful!